Saturday, August 14, 2010

Blush-Boudoir Dayton, Ohio - The Hubby's Reaction


Hi Tracy,

Mike and I got all dressed up and went out for dinner on Wednesday night for our anniversary. After we ordered drinks and dinner, I have him my gift. Initially, when he first opened the box, he thought it was a framed photo. He was already saying "wow" at the cover. Once he picked it up, he was very surprised that it was a book. As he looked at the pictures, his physical reactions ranged from sweating, getting misty eyed, and sitting there in speechless-awe. He thought the use of his old football jersey from high school was very clever (that was your idea). He took his time looking at the book, looking at it several times. As he was looking, he made several comments - I wish I could have recorded what he said because I can't remember all of them. Some of his comments suggested I should be a professional model, he knew I was beautiful - but to see it portrayed like this is unbelievable, lots of wow, oh my gosh's, and you are so hot. To say that he was thoroughly impressed and completely blown away would be a total understatement and wouldn't describe his reaction accurately.

At this time in my life, I am on cloud nine, experiencing a confidence level I have never felt before. A contributing factor has been this experience and its positive aftermaths. I want to thank you again for giving me this opportunity. I am truly blessed.


Friday, August 13, 2010

The Love- Blush-Boudoir Dayton Ohio

I can't begin to tell you how AMAZING Tracy and Michelle are. I decided to do a shoot as a gift to my husband for our 10 year wedding anniversary. I am a mother of 4 small boys who has spent the last 7 years of my life being a stay at home mom. There are so many times when I've lost sight of the fact that I am a woman outside of being "mommy". Tracy and Michelle were able to bring that "woman" out for me in full force.

I seriously didn't recognize myself when they were finished with me. My hair and makeup were flawless. Michelle did such an excellent job. Working the shoot with Tracy was so much fun. I could've stayed for hours upon hours--she made me feel so comfortable. I felt like I'd known her for years by the time we were finished.


And the end product--IMPECCABLE. The photos left me speechless when I saw them. I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful gift. They are stunning--I look and feel like a supermodel. And my husband, he was floored. Giddy beyond belief. He brags to anyone who catches a glimpse of the photos and inquires about them that, yes, indeed that's his wife, and he raves about how wonderful Tracy's work is.


Anyone who is looking for the WOW factor must visit Tracy and Michelle for a session. I can't wait to work with her again in the future.


Thank you for making my anniversary an incredibly memorable one :)


Wednesday, August 4, 2010